featuring OLD CLASSICS, GEM CRYSTALS and RARE SPECIES - ends Thursday Dec 20th, 2018

ends Thursday Dec 20, 2018
at 6:30 PM (Central Time Zone)

End of the year auction! Our next auctions will close in January, so this is it for 2018. A selection of specimens in this week's auctions with a mix of classics, gem crystals, contemporary minerals and rare species ! We are continuing to process material from the wonderful old mineral collections and purchases including 1960s-90s specimens from the collections of Paul Zerfass, Ted Bartels, Tom Wolfe and Barratt Phillips Collections, and 60 years of collecting history from the Kay Robertson Collection. Lots of rare mineral specimens here that are hard to find at ANY price, let alone at auction!

Some of the highlights from this week's include:

1. Superb CUPRITE from the Onganja Mine
2. Large Montana AMETHYST from the Geary Murdock Collection
4. Specimens from the David Burgess Collection
5. Large Russian FLUORAPATITE
6. RHODOCHROSITES from the W.S. Logan Collection
7. Excellent large Indian ZEOLITES
8. Old fine PYROLUSITE from Ilfeld
9. Unusual large old Broken Hill CALCITE
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Pyromorphite on Quartz (old classic) Harvard & Burgess Coll.
Roughton Gill, Caldbeck, Allerdale, Cumbria, England
7.0 x 5.8 x 4.7 cm
Chalcopyrite & Pyrite on Dolomite & Quartz (classic locale) Kay Robertson Coll.
Eupel Mine, Niederhovels, Siegerland, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
12.0 x 8.7 x 4.3 cm
Apophyllite & Stilbite on Drusy Quartz
Jalgaon District, Maharashtra, India
13.8 x 10.4 x 5.3 cm
Danburite (uncommon Japan) Robert Nowakowski Coll.
Toroku mine, Takachiho, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan
6.4 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm
Johannsenite (RARE) & Xonotlite
Wessels Mine, Hotazel, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa
5.8 x 3.5 x 3.4 cm
Stibnite (classic locale)
Baia Sprie (Felsobanya), Maramure?, Romania
6.6 x 6.4 x 4.0 cm
Tourmaline incl. in Quartz (RARE) Soregaroli Coll.
Level 3, Panasqueira Mine, Castelo Branco, Portugal
8.2 x 6.7 x 5.6 cm
Calcite w/ Limonite stalactites (RARE style - old)
Proprietary Mine, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia
12.2 x 10.6 x 7.7 cm
Fossil Belemnite replaced by Agate (Cretaceous period)
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware
6.0 x 1.4 x 1.2 cm
Glaucocerinite (rare - Type Locality) Charlie Key Coll.
Lavrion District Mines, East Attica, Attica, Greece
8.8 x 5.2 x 1.8 cm
Chabazite (old classic)
Usti nad Labem (Aussig), Usti Region, Bohemia, Czech Republic
8.7 x 5.6 x 3.4 cm
Mineral Auctions