Calcite (var: Manganese-bearing)

Huanggang Fe-Sn deposit, Hexigten Banner, Ulanhad League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
Cabinet, 8.8 x 6.3 x 4.7 cm
Start Time: 06/17/2021 7:00:00 pm (CDT)
End Time: 06/24/2021 6:45:00 pm (CDT)
Auction Closed
Winning Bid: $249

Item Description

One of the new contemporary classics from China are the amazingly stunning pink manganese-bearing Calcites from the Huanggang Mine in Inner Mongolia. This impressive locality has giving collectors some of the most stunning and high quality display specimens to come out of any Chinese mine in the last 10 years. The Calcites are so impressive due to the incredible size, quality and color of the crystals, making them some of the most significant manganese-bearing Calcites extant! This three-dimensional, small cabinet sized specimen showcases large compound groups scalenohedral crystals of glowing bright pink manganese-bearing Calcite free of matrix. The crystals are somewhat "feather"-shaped with a tapered form at the base, which broadens into a wider crystal form at the top. The piece is not just a single crystal, but a beautifully three-dimensional group. The luster of the Calcite groups is what really grabs my attention as it is shiny and still vitreous when the piece is rotated in the light. There is very little damage to speak of, as there are a few points of attachment where it was removed from the pocket wall, but outside of the contacts on the bottom of the crystals, all I can really find are a few small imperfections. These specimens are not getting enough attention for their superior size, color and quality. If you were to hold them up against other manganoan Calcites from anywhere else in the world, they would almost certainly win any comparison. It's only their recent appearance on the market that has kept their value lower than it should be. These will be worth more once the locality is done producing them, especially specimens with such great form, size and sheer visual beauty like this one. Valued at the inventory at $2,000, and worth it based upon the great aesthetics, form and downright impressiveness!

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Bidding History

Bid Amount Bid Time
$249 06/19/2021 12:52:35 am (CDT)