Chabazite (great color) (ex Kay Robertson Collection)

Wasson's Bluff, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada
Thumbnail, 2.8 x 1.7 x 1.4 cm
Start Time: 09/07/2017 6:45:00 pm (CDT)
End Time: 09/14/2017 6:45:00 pm (CDT)
Auction Closed

Item Description

These are simply some of the finest color Chabazite specimens from any locality. Chabazite is typically white or off-white in color, but to find rich color crystals like this is very significant. The pseudo-rhombohedral (they're actually triclinic) crystals on this specimen are a lovely reddish-orange hue. Additionally, the crystal has very sharp faces, good luster and are intergrown to form what is an overall beautiful display piece. The largest Chabazite measures 1.1 cm on edge. I cannot say for certain which species of Chabazite this may be, but my best guess would be Chabazite-Ca. For the quality, color and great visual appeal, this is a beautiful display specimen of this Zeolite species that often occurs in typically less than colorful crystals. Ex Kay Robertson Collection (#6043). Kay is a prominent California collector, who specialized in European classics (see the article in the March-April, 2007 Mineralogical Record).

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