Epidote with Quartz (classic material) (ex Rich Kosnar Collection)

Calumet Iron mine, Turret District, Chaffee County, Colorado
Cabinet, 13.5 x 7.2 x 5.3 cm
Start Time: 01/07/2010 6:45:00 pm (CST)
End Time: 01/14/2010 6:45:00 pm (CST)
Auction Closed

Item Description

These are true classics from this famous mine which is most well known for it's impressive Epidote and Quartz association specimens. This larger cabinet sized piece features doeznes of deep green, blocky, prismatic Epidote crystals with good form and and luster which are associated with very slightly smoky color, GEM to gemmy, lustrous Quartz crystals. This one has great aesthetics and is very displayable. I see less and less of this material on the market every year, and specimens like this are certainly hard to find now.

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