Ferberite (two twins) on matrix

Tasna Mine, Atocha-Quechisla District, Nor Chichas Province, Potosu Department, Bolivia
Miniature, 4.6 x 4.0 x 3.2 cm
Start Time: 06/28/2012 6:45:00 pm (CDT)
End Time: 07/05/2012 6:45:00 pm (CDT)
Auction Closed

Item Description

Here is a very attractive, matrix twinned Ferberite specimen from the famous Tasna mine. This species was sometimes previously referred to as "Wolframite", which was supposed to be an intermediary species between Ferberite and Hubnerite, but has since been discredited. This piece features the classic, "butterfly" twinning of Ferberite along the a (100) face. This piece comprises two relatively sharp, lustrous, aesthetic jet-black twinned crystals aesthetically flaring out of a bit of Quartz matrix. This piece is displayable from several angles, and although the specimen has a few spots of damage, there were few from this mine that featured multiple twins on the same piece on matrix. The bottom of the front twin is contacted, but still very eye-catching. Twinned crystals from Bolivia have becoming increasingly difficult to obtain from Bolivia. These are definitely the most highly sought after crystal habit from this locality This piece one of the more visually appealing matrix Ferberite twins that I have offered in the auctions in a while from Bolivia.

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