Grossular Garnet (ex Kay Robertson Collection)

Oravicza, Banat, Hungary
Miniature, 4.7 x 4.4 x 3.4 cm
Start Time: 05/31/2018 6:45:00 pm (CDT)
End Time: 06/07/2018 6:45:00 pm (CDT)
Auction Closed

Item Description

Please note: The given locality for this specimen is "Oravicza, Banat, Hungary", but I can't find a listing in any database that refers to this locality. Perhaps it's an old name, or the locality is actually not in Hungary. If anybody out there might have some insight as to where it might be from, please let us know. With that said, this is a gorgeous Grossular Garnet specimen featuring sharp, bronze-golden colored dodecahedra measuring up to 6 mm across with sparkling drusy Quartz on matrix. The Grossulars have interesting thin trapezohedral modifications on the edges, which are notably "stepped" giving the crystals a very textured surface. They pass light when backlit, and the color is beautiful. A great piece for any Garnet collector regardless of the locality. Ex Kay Robertson Collection (#4126). Kay is a prominent California collector, who specialized in European classics (see the article in the March-April, 2007 Mineralogical Record and the 50+ page article in the German Magazine "Mineralien Welt" November-December 2017).

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