Stalactitic botryoidal Fluorite (New Find)

Minggang Mine, Xinyang Prefecture, Henan Province, China
Small Cabinet, 6.1 x 3.5 x 3.3 cm
Start Time: 05/03/2012 6:45:00 pm (CDT)
End Time: 05/10/2012 6:30:00 pm (CDT)
Auction Closed

Item Description

Botryoidal fluorites are rare from anywhere, so these translucent purple botrydoidal specimens have been a big hit since they first came out a few years ago. Stalactitic forms, such as this scultpural cutie have been very uncommon and this is from a small New Find. The color is a pretty lilac and it glows, when backlit. This piece was a wall plate, that broke off and became a floater, as even the contact face is healed. The contact also reveals the numerous tubes, where the precipitating fluorite fluids flowed to form the stalactites. The stalactites are all pristine. Showy and excellent material from this new find, that displays well from either side.

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