Tiger's Eye

Northern Cape, South Africa
Gems, 11.94 mm x 11.66 mm, 5.51 ct
Start Time: 08/24/2023 7:30:00 pm (CDT)
End Time: 08/31/2023 7:00:00 pm (CDT)
Auction Closed
Winning Bid: $20

Item Description

Tiger's Eye might be a well-known stone, but there are only a few localities in the world where fine quality material is found. Certainly the best stones are found in South Africa. This material gets its name from the obvious resemblance to the black and golden stripes of a Tiger, and when you combine the colors with the with chatoyant "Cat's Eye" effect, you get some of the most easily recognizable gems in the world. These gems are a form of Chalcedony which is included by fibrous needles of the Amphibole Riebeckite (var: Crocidolite). This particular gem is a gorgeous Tiger's Eye showing brilliant flashes of gold against a brownish-black background. When the stone is rotated in the light, it shows several "Eyes" that dance around. The gem has a "Round Cabochon" cut .

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Bidding History

Bid Amount Bid Time
$20 08/31/2023 6:53:01 pm (CDT)
$15 08/31/2023 6:34:29 pm (CDT)
$10 08/27/2023 9:24:24 am (CDT)